Home / Alternative Medicine / Take a Clove of Garlic, Cut off a Piece and Put it on Your Skin – WOW The Effect is Amazing

Take a Clove of Garlic, Cut off a Piece and Put it on Your Skin – WOW The Effect is Amazing

Garlic is the best medicine you won’t find in scientific medicine. Garlic can protect the body from bacteria, viruses and infections, and has the best effect if consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Then its antibacterial properties are greatest.

Contains more than 400 active ingredients: vitamin A, B1, B2 and C, minerals, amino acids, essential oils, herbal oils, enzymes, iron, iodine, calcium, potassium, selenium and phosphorus.

There is another way you can use garlic to improve your health, and it’s not about oral use.


Cut a clove of garlic in half, then rub the cut over the cold sore. Repeat this frequently throughout the day. Next day, the cold sore will be visibly reduced and dried up. If necessary, continue the procedure the next day until the herpes is completely removed.


Grate the garlic, place it on gauze and a plaster, then stick it on the affected area of skin. Change the dressing if necessary. Warts dry up and fall off.

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