Home / Alternative Medicine / Ginger Wrapps can effectively remove MUCUS from the lungs: Proven, here’s how it works!

Ginger Wrapps can effectively remove MUCUS from the lungs: Proven, here’s how it works!

Believe it or not, ginger can provide quick relief from a cough and can help clear mucus more easily.

This effective natural remedy not only has no side effects, but also strengthens the immune system.

Coughs can be very unpleasant, debilitating, and take a long time to completely go away.

Today we will give you the recipe for an effective cough medicine that can bring quick relief from cough and release mucus from the lungs.

An irritating cough brings with it several inconveniences, one of which is undoubtedly disturbed sleep.

As a result, you feel exhausted and tired during the day.

In children with weakened immunity, persistent cough can lead to the development of more serious diseases.

Warning: Always consult your doctor before use!

Here is what you need for an effective ginger cough compress:

We need:

  • 1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger
  • natural honey
  • olive oil


Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture to a linen napkin.

Wrap the gauze around the ginger and place the prepared paste on your chest or back.

Secure with cling film.

Adults can leave the compress on overnight.

WARNING! This compress may cause excessive sweating!

Children are recommended to apply the compress no more than 3 hours before bedtime.

Try and see for yourself the effect of this natural cough compress.

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